Welcome to the High Ridge Club in Windham, NY.

High Ridge Club opens Memorial Day Weekend:

May 25th and 26th (11AM – 7PM) and the 27th (11AM – 6PM)

Then WEEKENDS ONLY through June 16th (Saturdays and Sundays 11AM-7PM)

Starting June 17th through Labor Day, Weekdays 12PM-7PM 

Weekends and Holidays 11AM-7PM (except Memorial Day when we close at 6pm)

The courts are open weather permitting. 
Tennis courts are open dawn to dusk and can be used by members beyond Labor Day.

Book a HRC court online

See the HRC Potential Member Packet on the membership page for club rules, pricing and application. 

For more information email us at highridgeclubny@gmail.com

For membership inquiries email us at highridgeclubmembership@gmail.com

High Ridge Club, Inc.
PO Box 307
Windham NY 12496

31 Cindy Lane. Hensonville, NY 12439
Club Phone (518) 734-9999